aka alt-text-easily-upload-your-photos-for-affordable-restoration

Upload your photos or documents for a free appraisal and quote

Simply upload your photos using the form below. 

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of restoring your precious photographic records or memories. I take this responsibility very seriously.

Please complete your contact details below and submit your image(s) (max 10mb per submission). In the message panel, please provide any information that you think will help me better understand the picture(s). 

When I have viewed your image(s) I will get back to you with any comments or suggestions and to confirm an affordable price. 

Please click HERE if you need help digitising or scanning your photo(s) to upload.

– Thank you,


This is required for invoicing purposes, should you decide to proceed
Drag and drop files here or
Upload upto 5 Files. Max File Size: 10 MB

Thank you for uploading your image

  • We will assess your image and provide you with a confirmed price.
  • When you have agreed the price, we will restore your image and email a rough proof to you with a 14-day invoice in AUD.
  • You can then email approval or any changes you would like within those 14 days.
  • In Australia, you can pay the account by EFT (or cash if calling in person).
  • Outside Australia, or if you wish to pay by credit/debit card, you can pay securely in over 100 international currencies using Stripe. Please request a Stripe invoice, which includes an easy payment link. (Please note: Stripe invoices attract a 3% surcharge).
  • After you pay the account, we will email you a high-resolution copy of your restored image.
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