Restore colour to
faded Photos

Why do photos fade or discolour over time?

When we restore colour to faded photos, we bring them back to how they looked originally.

Colour photos fade over time and colours become distorted, especially true of images exposed to ultra violet sunlight.

Ultraviolet light will destabilise the dyes used to make colour prints, transparencies and colour negative film. In time, this causes the dyes to fade. Although less of a problem with modern inkjet printers, with claims that some inkjet prints may last for fifty years – while this may be true, of course it has yet to be proven. However, all dyes will fade given sufficient time.

Is it possible to restore colour to faded photos when they are already discoloured?

Yes, absolutely!

We restore colour to faded photos and bring their colour back to life through a process known as “recolouration”. That is to say, removing the discolouration and rebuilding the colours digitally.

To this end, we consult with each client about details such as the colour of clothing, decor, etc. So, we will restore the original colour as closely as possible. In significant discolouration, when the original colour is unknown, we will generate a natural-looking image, in keeping with that era.


Pay nothing before 

you see a proof



Price includes:

  • From original scanned image of colour print or slide
  • Consultation around original colours (hair skin tone, clothing etc)
  • Removal of spots, hairs etc
  • Enhance Fading
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee


aka alt-text-1961-photo-of-boy-with-train-set-restore--colourto-faded-photos-for-pricing-restoration
From faded colour
aka alt-text-restore-colour-to-faded-photos-1961-photo-of-boy-with-train-set-restored-color to faded photo-for-pricing-restoration
to restored colour
aka alt-text-1961-photo-of-boy-with-faded-color-restore-colour-to-faded-photos
From faded colour
aka alt-text-1961-photo-of-boy-with-restore-colour-to-faded-photo
to restored colour
aka alt-text-1970s-photo-of-showroom-faded-color-to-restore-colour-to-faded-photos
From damaged image and faded colour
aka alt-text-1970s-photo-of-showroom-restore colour-to-faded-photos-color-restored-full-image-restoration
to fully restored and re-coloured

If your photo requires us to restore color to faded photos and repair damage (tears, scratches etc) a specially discounted rate from $69.00 per image is available for both services if completed at the same time.

Easy 6-step process

  1. Digitise and prepare your image. (If you’re unsure how to do that, click HERE)
  2. Upload your image HERE
  3. We will assess your image and provide you with a confirmed price.
  4. When you have agreed the price, we will restore your image and email a rough proof to you with a 14-day invoice in AUD.
  5. You email approval or any changes you would like within that 14-day period. You can pay the account securely in over 100 international currencies using Stripe. You will find an easy payment link in the invoice.
  6. After you pay the account, we will email you a high-resolution copy of your image

If you have any questions, we’d love to hear from you. 

Simply click the button below to send us a message or tell us your story

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